PREBIOTICS vs PROBIOTICS: What are they and why do we need them?


With 100 trillion bacteria living in our guts, we have more bacteria cells in our bodies than human cells, so it’s no wonder that this vibrant community of microflora have a huge impact on our lives. Relation between the gut microbiota and human health is being increasingly recognised. It is now well established that a […]

4 simple food swaps that to help keep your energy levels up

Wish your energy levels were higher? It all starts with your cells… If you regularly wake up tired, and then end each day sprawled out on the couch, you’ve probably wished for more energy. To make that happen, it helps to understand your body’s energy-production process. If you zoom in to a cellular level, you’ll find that every single cell in your body contains several little organelles called mitochondria.

Should we change our fitness routine as we age?

Should we change our fitness routine as we age? As we age, our bodies start showing signs of ageing as muscle function, healing ability, and blood flow start slowing down. As such, we should be looking at redefining our fitness routines every decade or so, as what worked for our bodies when we were in […]

HAPPY GUT, HAPPY LIFE: How the Gut Affects the Mood


It is easy to imagine that the different parts of our body work independently of one another, with the brain leading the charge sending orders to our respective organs telling them what to do and when. It is especially easy to imagine this link between your brain and your gut, with moods and emotions often […]

Serotonin Fact

Where in the body is situated 95% of your serotonin level? … It all starts in the Gut!

3 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

3 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Foods to nourish and support your immune system all winter long! Winter is here, the cooler weather bringing with it a host of viruses and bacteria which can overwhelm your immune system. Your immune system – your inner army of cells and good bacteria fighting off harmful invaders – needs to be supported and well-nourished […]

Five Foods High in Magnesium To Increase Your Daily Intake

Five Foods High in Magnesium To Increase Your Daily Intake

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals residing in our bones and soft tissue. It is required in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the human body. Dr. Mark Hyman describes this mineral as “The most powerful relaxation mineral available” going on to say that an average modern diet is deficient in magnesium. As […]